When Zechs is forced to babysitt
by: Denise Gow

Chapter 1

"Ok doctor J" Noin said "what did you call me and Zechs here for?"

"It's simple. The other doctors and me recently have made a wonderful discovery. This potion may increase the lives of the solders. But we needed to test it on someone so we thought you would be perfect. Don't worry all you half to do is drink this. It won't take long and nothing bad will happen"

"Ok I guess" she took the glass from Doctor J and slowly drank it. She started turning white.

"Noin are you ok?" Zechs said

Noin glowed and started decreasing her size until a 1-year-old toddler was setting a heap of clothes that Noin was wearing.


The now 1 year old Noin ran over and latched onto Zechs's leg


"What the hack happened to her!"

"It looks like it backfired just give us two weeks and well have a cure I promise"

"What are we supposed to do with her until then?"

Doctor J. picket Noin up "Zechs looks like you're a father early"

"I'm what! You must be joking!

"Sorry Zechs, Have Fun"

"Blast You" Zechs wrapped Noin in his jacket and left."

Zechs walked into the house that he and Noin has presently been living in. He rested the baby on the sofa and began wondering how he would survive.

"I've been on a lot of missions...But none and weird as this one."

He went over and sat down next to his girl friend and pickets her up on his lap. She looked at him with her big blue eyes and let out a tine squeal.

"Now what an I going to dress you in? Only one idea came to his desperate mind he picked up the phone and dialled he sibling's number."

Relena walked with her boyfriend up the drive way to her brother's house. "I wonder what he got him self into this time. All I could make out when he called is that he presently has a baby at his house."

Relena opened to door to Zechs's house.

"Relena I'm glade you're here."

"Oh what a cutie baby, It looks just like Noin. You never told me you had kids."

"We didn't this is Noin."


"She drank a potion doctor J. Gave her and this is what happened, It's not my fault!

"Shour it isn't" Herro said

"I don't like you." Zechs shot back

"I don't like you either."

"You two right now out problem aren't that you two hate each other. It's the fact Noin just shrunk 19 years.

"Both of the boys looked down at Noin who was now playing with Zechs's long platem hair."

Zechs ran his fingers through Noin hair and managed a slight smile that almost caused Herro and Relena a heart attack.

"Here Zechs." Relena said "I found some of my old baby clothes. I also brought you some baby formula and a few dippers. It will have to do until you go shopping."

"Shopping... I don't go shopping."

"You do now."

Relena and Herro left distressed Zechs and went home.

"I'm in over my head."