Hi everyone, I'm back and a freshly graduated senior to boot. What?! She has a fic?! Yeah!!!!! So anyway, I decided to continue my long forgotten Zechs and Noin fantasy fic. The last part I wrote was about Zechs and Noin's history from Noin's reflection. Hope you like it. *Just email me if all you lost ones need the first parts of the fic.*

Here it is ______________________________________________________________________

"I hope you realize this is only temporary Trieze," Une replied. Her teeth grated together in frustrated anger.

It had been two weeks since Treize had rescued her from Fire Cove. Heavens, how she missed that place. Although she couldn't lie to herself, the fey court was wonderful. It was not that she wasn't grateful to Treize for saving her life......God knows he had done that more than one time. The problem was that now, Treize had claimed her. It wouldn't bother her so if the King of the Fey wasn't so damn handsome. It wouldn't bother her so if she didn't crave him so. But she did. When her nightmares followed the healing of the agony spells, Treize had been the one to pad to her chamber and comfort her in the darkness. How could she resist his kindness when is body had felt so warm and his arms had felt so safe around her. Damn it! She had stayed away from men for a reason, Treize would only control her if he got the chance. She couldn't allow that....could she?

All this and more raced through Une's mind as she stared defiantly at the intensely handsome king in front of her.

Treize stared at her with sapphire eyes that held nothing but mischievous taunting. His handsome mouth was raised in a smirk that had the ability to give even the most devout nun a dream of the worse kind.

"What, my dear lady, is only temporary?" His face now feigned complete innocence.

Une felt a smile tug at her own mouth. She suppressed the urge to laugh and concentrated on more serious matters, like never being enslaved to a man again.....like that, oh so, precious freedom.

" You keeping me here is only temporary. There are you happy? Treize, I am fully grown and I can take care of myself. I'll be damned if I stay here and waste my life away at the will of an overposessive man, who has been indulged too damn much in his life time. This seems to amuse you....Your Highness.

She added the formality to emphasize distance between them. Not surprising, it had the opposite affect on Treize as he moved closer to Une. Her scent intoxicated him, but at the moment he was losing his temper fast. His smile, often a signal for trouble, widen.

" First, Lady, I will never forget seeing you helpless and in pain in front of your cove. So as for protection, I will not be satisfied with none other than my own."

" You are being-"

He caught her face firmly and placed a finger over her lovely mouth.

"Second, your stay here is quite permanent. Everyone in the kingdom recognizes my claim to you, whether you like it or not. Try and fight it, Une take it to the highest authority....oh wait....that would be me anyway. So there's no use fighting there." He paused noticing that his sarcasm did not go unnoticed.

She was fuming. Uncaring, he continued.

" Thirdly, I am willing to let you travel to any part of this world you choose. Some places I would enjoy accompanying you. Others, if you wish, you may travel alone. However, rest assure that I will always be in contact."

She opened her mouth to possibly refute, and he cut her off once more.

" Lastly, lady, you are quite right. I have been indulged my entire life. It shall be no different in this. So I hope you weren't thinking to change that.

Her entire being was screaming frusratation. She jerked her face away from his hand. Why the hell couldn't he see reason?!

"And what, pray tell, do you expect me to do, while your dally on with your court? What am I to be...your servant?! She exclaimed.

More than one image of Une..serving him....entered Treize's mind. He brushed those thoughts away and returned to the issue at hand.

"If you would have kept your temper, my lady," he purposely emphasized the `my', "then I could have told you my suggestion."

"I'm waiting."

He sighed, and prayed to whatever higher being available, that it would please her.

" I want you to be my war advisor."

" I love it, Trieze. It's a wonderful idea! Let's take a woman, who is already feared and hated by the Fey council and the Mages of Lorn, and let's put her into a position of power." She drawled. Sarcasm dripped every word.

"Une..." Treize started.

"Oh no, there's more. Both councils hate women......that's obvious by the way they treated Noin. But let's challenge them anyway. At the best, they'll say I got the position on my damned back. At worst, they'll......."

" Une, stop it. You know I, and I alone rule my court. I could care less about what the councils say. Them of all people know intimately of my disregard for their regulations. Furthermore, I truly don't trust the councils anyway. They are a group of senile idiots who hate and fear any powers that do not come from themselves."

" Would you truly trust me with that responsibility?" she asked.

He could see her fortress slowly crumbling.

" More than anyone else I know Une. Fire cove, was damn near impenetrable. The Fey Court has cared more about beauty, than safety for longer than I've ruled. It's time to change that. Especially, if we have a mage as powerful as the one that attacked you in our land."

"Fine, I'll do it, but only on one condition..."

" That is...." He asked cautiously.

" Please get me something to wear other than these dresses. You can't imagine how much I hate them." She said.

He laughed. His laughter struck at something deep within her. She pushed the unknown feeling aside. Now wasn't the time.

While still smiling at her he said, "Bargain stuck."


Zechs paced the university chamber. He had never felt that type of power. God! If Noin could learn to control it..... Just thinking of her sent a host of emotions throughout his being. Worry. He wondered if that bastard Corinth's mage chain took too much of Noin's energy. Anger. Any fool could see that she had been the victim. Alex had been tried before for harassing a young merchant's daughter. But Zechs would deal with him later. Right now he had an ignorant council to deal with, and a battle to prepare for. If he won, Noin would be his. What would he do with her? He smiled sardonically. The question was more like what would he do to her? He shook those thoughts away. She was probably ready now.

He made his way to the central chamber. The chamber was the biggest room in the university; if it could be called that. It was like a small arena. The council's chairs were above the center of the room and each side of the room was decorated in the symbols of various types of powers. Zechs was the only mage, since Lorn himself, who could control every type of power. Although he knew he could defeat Noin, he didn't want to hurt her in any way. He stepped into the chamber and wondered at what was to come. ______________________________________________________________________

Okay how'd you guys like it? Replies....Replies....I need replies.

I know, I know, more Zechs and Noin ....right? Sorry, but I really wanted Treize and Une in there too, ya know. Anyway, the next part is going to be nothing but Zechs and Noin. It'll feature their battle....yadda, yadda, yadda, and it will also take us into Zech's search for Noin.

Will he find her, before the evil mage does? What is going to happen?

These answers and more.......when my lazy ass writes the next part.

Did I mention...I WANT REPLIES......

Thanks.....(blushes and acts innocent)

Ahem, anyway

See ya later!

Sonflour* or Deondra