By Diamondflame


The little girl stood at the side, looking on at the scene before her. Curiously, she glanced at a small boy who looked to be about her own age, sitting quietly next to the adults who seemed to be the centre of the gathering. As though he'd felt her gaze on him, the young boy- no more than eight or so peered through his messy blond hair, which was flopping hopelessly into his eyes, and smiled.

Seeing her attention was only half concentrated on the tall man making a speech up the front of the hall, he looked quickly back to her to make sure she was still watching. Then, looking pointedly at the man up the front, he turned back around, playfully crossed his eyes at her, and proceeded to imitate the man.

This proved too much for the little girl, who exploded into fits of giggles, which she tried to suppress.

The boy, intent on making his newfound friend laugh even harder, turned around further in his seat, catching his mamma's attention as he did so. The boy glanced quickly at his mamma, who shot him a fond smile, and shook her head slightly. Sighing, the boy returned to his former position, trying to think up more ways to make the girl laugh. Unable to resist any longer, the little boy looked up at his mamma, who had been absorbed into the speech again. Twisting in his seat, the little boy looked towards where the girl had been. She wasn't there. Turning further, he scanned the sides of the park for her. Spotting her near the exit, the little boy willed her to look back.

As though she knew, the little girl turned slowly. The boy's sense of mischief faded as her saw the expression on her face. It was so different from what she had been like before. Now that she was no longer laughing, he saw the sadness that the laughter had covered. It was like all the playfulness he had felt earlier had been sapped out of him- the little boy stared at the girl's eyes. They were a deep innocent violet, which somehow looked as though they had witnessed something terrible. Not so much terrible that it had scared her, but something terrible which had taken its toll in the form of sadness, and a silent acceptance of the things which happened around her. The sound of applause startled him enough to cause him to glance back to see what was happening. Quickly looking back to where he had last seen the little girl, he blinked, and looked around again, but couldn't find her. She was gone.

Chapter 1:

Milliardo Peacecraft, heir to the throne of the Sanc kingdom, woke with a start. Shaking his head drowsily, he pushed his blond hair out of his eyes. Peering, his eyes sought out his alarm clock- the digits glowed, it was four thirty in the morning. Why couldn't he have slept late for once? Flopping back onto the bed, he lay there, staring at the ceiling of his room. He knew that he wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again, but, he reasoned to himself, there was no reason not to at least try to fall asleep- after all, a little extra sleep never hurt anyone.

Still looking absently at the ceiling, he frowned, trying to take a grasp of what he had been dreaming about. He knew that he had been dreaming about something… something which had seemed strangely familiar. He tried to follow the dream again, but lost what significance it had seemed to hold just moments before. Groaning with frustration, he buried his head under his pillow, pulling it down over his head as hard as he could; then it hit him- it had been that dream… the one where he had met someone that had read all he was in a single glance. The one which was more like a memory, he thought to himself. He remembered the day clearly- it had been almost six years ago, at a park somewhere, he couldn't remember where it had been, and some man had been making a speech. He, as usual, had almost been bored out of his mind with having to stay still for so long, when he had noticed a girl about his own age staring at him from the side.

Unable to resist, he had started pulling faces at her in imitation of the guy up the front, making her laugh. His mamma had shaken her head at him fondly- that had been warning enough for him to stop it. Then, he remembered, he had turned back to his new found friend, only to have to look quickly around for her as she was no longer where he had last seen her. Spotting her some distance away, he had thought desperately for her to turn around to face him. She had.

He had been surprised enough by that- it had seemed almost as though… as though she had sensed what he had wanted- known what he had tried to do. What surprised him further, though, had been the expression on her face. She had seemed so… sad.

What Milliardo remembered best though, were the girl's eyes. They had been a deep violet shade, seemingly bottomless, yet could have read his soul in a glance. They had seemed so… he couldn't find a word to describe what he had felt about her. It had been… well… an understanding of sorts, he concluded, though it was more than that. He and the girl had somehow seemed connected through something he couldn't describe- it had only been momentary, but he had remembered it so well that even six years since the incident, he had dreamt about it.

Not that he had ever seen her again, Milliardo grimaced. It wasn't as though he hadn't looked for her, it was just that… well, the only way to describe it was that she had, quite literally, disappeared.

Sighing, he got up. Going to the adjoining bathroom, he quickly showered and brushed his teeth, combed his hair through, and started to get dressed.

Looking distastefully at the clothes that had been prepared for him to wear- he really hated the formal wear; he sighed, and started putting them on. He supposed he had to wear the stuff… he had had the argument with his mother again the night before about how he was to dress on formal occasions, but still… he hated dressing so formally. Today was another of the annual gatherings at the Peacecraft palace, where all the families of the representatives of each colony would come. According to his father, these gatherings allowed them a better opportunity in the way of discussion concerning the peace and well fare of the earth and the colonies of space.

Milliardo knew this was true- after all, his father did use this chance to take up important connections to further his goal towards total peace, but, he objected, did those officials have to bring their families along? Milliardo, although always the perfect gentleman, taking after his father, always had a hard time in being polite towards their wives. Oh some of them weren't too bad, he supposed, the ones with no daughters, that is, but he hated, absolutely hated matchmaking mothers of any sort. They always seemed to be trying to press their daughters into dancing, talking, eating, drinking- whatever they could seem to think of doing, with him. It was just so… irritating sometimes.

Milliardo didn't really mind girls- that is; if they kept to themselves- had nothing to do with him. He just couldn't seem to stand it when the insisted on tagging around after him and he- being a gentleman as always, always somehow seemed to find that he either had to tell them to go away and leave him alone or, he grimaced, ask them to dance. Knowing that almost his every movement would be watched, Milliardo avertedly always had to choose the latter.

Hearing a knock at his door, he called out a 'come in', while quickly pulling on his socks, and slipped his feet into a pair of shoes.

"Morning, Pagen" he greeted the man who had come up to supervise that the servers brought up the prince's meal properly.

"Good morning, prince Milliardo- your mother asked me to remind you to be ready by eight- the guests will be arriving shortly after then."

"Thanks- I'll be there."

Pagen nodded silently, and left the room with the servers.

Milliardo surveyed the array of trays and pitcher that had been brought up. Grabbing a book off his bedside table, he selected a scone spread with butter and jam of some sort, and began eating.


Milliardo breathed a sigh of relief- finally a break from meeting any more nobles… for the moment at least…

He groaned inwardly as he spotted his mother and some Duchess or the other with her daughter in tow, who was making a beeline straight for him.

"Lady Gabrielle, this is my son, the Prince Milliardo. Milliardo- I have the pleasure of introducing the Lady Gabrielle, Duchess of Erathia, and her daughter, Lucretzia…"

Milliardo didn't hear the rest of his mamma's words- his eyes were fixed on the Duchess' daughter, who had sunk into a curtsy during the introduction, dipping her head in a gesture of ladylike recognition for her superiors, who had looked up, as his mother had finished speaking.

Milliardo held back a gasp as he saw a flash of momentary disregard, annoyance- it seemed, at the ladylike behaviour she had been pressed into display, and boredom, followed quickly by some other emotion- humour perhaps… in her eyes. Her eyes widened slightly as some other emotion or thought crossed her mind, but were quickly hidden again, as she dipped her head in a meekly submissive gesture- he was sure to hide whatever it was that he had glimpsed in those few seconds.

Those eyes…

Author's note: … Well? How was that? (chews on fingernails nervously) did you like it? Was it really really bad? I'm sorry!!! (Dodges rotten tomatoes among other things) but this IS my first fic EVER- I'll try to do better… please, please, please review!!! Even if it is to tell me I should never even attempt to write again… oh yeah- does anyone have any suggestions about a title of some sort? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

Please give this story a chance- that was only the first chapter… I mean… c'mon- we haven't even met Noin yet- at least… not officially. Her 'mother' Duchess of Erathia? Don't ask me- I don't even know how I got that name; I was a bit stuck for a name of a place though, and the name just popped into my head, I guess.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, I don't own Zechs- or Milliardo, as he is so far, I don't own anything but this story.