Of Gangs and Royals
by Duo Misfit

As me and Cat walk into the supermarket the cool air hits us, "bloody hot out for May huh" I comment and Cat just nods. I take Cat around the store and teach him how to shop the right way "only buy what you need and only but food that can keep, on occasion you can buy fruits and vegetables but don't buy too much cause if it doesn't get used then it's a waste of money, and always buy the cheap stuff 'cause we're not loaded, you getting all this Cat?" I ask him, he looks distracted, "Cat!" that gets his attention and he looks at me, "Yes Luca?" he asks, "You ok?" he just nods.

"Ok well come on time to check out." He looks up again this time with a smile plastered on his face.

As we walk to the check out counter we see this huge display of newspapers with the titles all reading 'Gundam Vigilantes' with pictures of very beaten looking people on the front page. I point it out to Cat and he makes a face, I laugh slightly, the woman at the counter takes our money and gives us the change and as we're headed for the door Cat stops and has this evil smile on his face and says "I dare you to push the cart into the stand." I just look at him in shock, then I smile, we empty the cart and I have to be thankful that there aren't that many bags. I jump into the cart and Cat gives it a hard shove in the direction of the stand and I jump out of the cart as it hits the stand newspapers go flying in every direction and I run back over to Cat and grab some of the bags and book it out the door and down the street, Cat following.

When we're a safe distance away from the store we stop and I fall down laughing and Cat starts to clutch at a wall looking like he was gonna fall to. As the laughter subsides I get up and I notice that the only people looking at us like we were lunatics are Zero and Bane.

"Zero!" I yell out and he starts to walk over, Bane in toe.

"Luca" he nods, and picks up some of the bags with his left hand and holds out his other hand to Bane, who gladly takes it, and Cat looking him in shock 'cause he thinks that Bane is really Zero's child.

"Zero, Bane, this is Quatre" I say making introductions, "and Cat this is Herro Yue and Sue" I say pointing to each of them. Cat smiles at them and he shakes Banes hand and nods to Zero because his hands are full.

"Well!" I say, "lets go home!" I grab the rest of the bags and Cat grabs his and we start walking home, Zero seems a bit nervous but trusts my judgment.

