Title: The Depth of Obliviscence
Author: Tsuki
Disclaimer: You get the point...

Chapter 2
The Perfect Introduction

Suddenly the thought about the gravity machine being activated struck her mind.
Turning back she bumped into the boy.
"Sorry," she whispered as she tried to rush pass him.
"Wait," he muttered, grabbing onto her arm and gently let go. "I've turned it off
Noin looked towards him and smiled, "Thanks, see ya later." Rushing along the
sombre corridor she kept her hand
on the wall to make sure she didn't clash with it. It seemed as if a whole map had been
sucked into her brain, held firmly and not letting go. But soon she no longer felt the
kid by her side. He probably departed, off to his own dormitory.

Monday mornings, the only morning you had to wake up extra early for.
"Hello Noin," Mai squealed.

~How does all that energy revolve around her?~

"Morning Mai," Noin yawned as she slipped her study folder between her arm.
"You seem fairly tired today," Mai commented, studying Noin's face.
"No, it's just early today. By the way, where's Tyomo?"
"She's just come back from swimming training. Probably won't be ready in five
"Ok." Striding slowly, Noin kept hand in her tracksuit pants and the other gripping
loosely on the folder.
"Don't be so gloomy. You'll get to meet Zechs today. He's in our class and maybe
you'll like him."
"Yes. But I haven't seen him last night nor the two nights before. They said he
went away in solitary."
A sudden thought struck Noin.

~It must have been him. Zechs Merquise was the one in the gravity room… Can it be?~

"Noin?" Mai implored as they stopped suddenly. "Are you alright?"
"Sorry. I was thinking about something," she relaxed her tensed body and gave Mai
a placid smile.
"I could see that."

Walking into the lecture room, the two saw nothing unusual except that Mai, for
once was on time. Just as she settled herself into the chair, Noin heard a loud shriek.
She swung her head around and saw Mai, rushing towards a young boy.

~He must be Zechs.~

"Come Noin!" Mai grabbed her playmate by the wrist and hauled her over to meet the
boy. Noin noticed the long hair Mai had described, the shining mask over the top half of
his head, which had been created using silver metal plates. Albeit she couldn't see his
face, she felt the confidence he had in himself.
Unfortunately for him, the cadet uniform didn't really match him but since they only wore black uniform tops
and white trousers, they had to survive with it. This teenager showed more dignity and
pride in himself.
"Hey Zechs. This is my friend Lucretzia Noin. Noin, this is Zechs Merquise."
He offered his hand, which Noin shook gratefully.
"Please to meet you, Zechs Merquise," Noin uttered in respect.
"Call me Zechs," the boy looked at her with a gentle smile.
"Alright, then call me Noin." She gave him a grin in return. "Space is what we both
yearn for…"
She walked towards her desk as their adamant teacher entered the silenced room.

The pointless lesson, leading him slowly into his own thoughts, trapping the noise
outside of his mind.

~Noin, she's an intrepid girl. What do we have in common? Is it like she said, space? She's as ongoing as he
described to me.~